Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Beacon House-715-834-4357
(Eau Claire Interfaith Hospitality; Shelter for families and pregnant women)
309 East Lake Street, Eau Claire
Catholic Charities- 608-519-8050
For appointment call
Chippewa County Housing Department- 715-726-7933
Emergency Housing and Block Grants
711 N. Bridge Street, Room 014
Chippewa Falls, WI
Department of Veterans Affairs-715-726-2541
(Veterans Assistance Program)
Northern Wisconsin Center 2820 East Park Avenue, Building 128
Chippewa Falls, WI
Hope Gospel Mission- 715-552-5566 ext. 1307
Men’s Shelter
8 South Farwell Street, Eau Claire, WI
Ruth House (Women’s Shelter)- 715-834-4000
2517 Moholt Drive, Eau Claire, WI
Call after 5:00 p.m. or leave a message
CDC Outreach Office-715-861-5002
21 East Grand Ave
Tiny house intake, rental assistance, etc.
Sojourner House-715-514-5556
(Catholic Charities Program)
618 South Barstow Steet, Eau Claire, WI
First come, first serve, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
(West Central WI Community Action Agency, Inc.).
Workforce - Resource - Emergency Assistance-855-792-5439
For an appointment call
Cadott Country Apartments- 715-289-4755
950 North Kelly Street, Cadott, WI
Chippewa Manor Residential Living Center- 715-726-2123
756 Irvine Street, Chippewa Falls, WI
Homestead Village Senior Apartments- 715-726-9664
320 East Colome Street, Chippewa Falls, WI
Northland Apartments- 800-432-5755
18 Bay Street, Chippewa Falls, WI
North Town Apartments-715-579-5179
973 North Kelly Street, Cadott, WI
St. Joseph’s Apartments- 715-723-5828
912 Pearl Street, Chippewa Falls, WI
Bridgewater Apartments- 715-834-2691
807 Bridgewater Avenue, Chippewa Falls, WI
Grace Parkside Apartments-715-832-1174
49 East Spring Street, Chippewa Falls, WI
Grandview Apartments- 715-834-3411
304 South Main Street, Cadott, WI
Lake Como Home II- 715-834-3411
1353 Future Street, Bloomer, WI
Lakeview Apartments-715-834-3411
2110 Duncan Road, Bloomer, WI
Romeis Millstream Apartments I and II -715- 723-7552
509 and 607 North High Street, Chippewa Falls, WI
Shoe Factory Apartments- 800-944-4866 or 715-726-0586
36 West River Street, Chippewa Falls, WI
Senior Housing Info
Assisted Living Advisors-